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What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠(QHHT®), involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualisation. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with subjects in this state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded. Dolores Cannon begun her research of lost knowledge and reincarnation in the late 1960s by developing QHHT® for past life regression sessions with her subjects. Not one to be limited by this disciplinary stigma, it was working with clients specifically in the Somnambulistic state and exploring the possibilities that led Dolores to discover that any individual can gain access to experiences of Past Lives they have lived. It was also exploring with clients in this state that she discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so she appropriately chose to label it The Subconscious. The Subconscious is what gave her and practitioners of her QHHT® technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate. Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds. Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores had produced, the results experienced by QHHT® Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple Other Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.
What is the Subconscious?The Subconscious that was contacted by Dolores and the practitioners of her QHHT® technique is the polar opposite to the subconscious referred to by psychologists and conventional medical professionals. During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores became aware that through her unique technique of induction she was contacting and communicating with a portion of an individual’s consciousness that was indeed a part of them, yet lay far above the level of their conscious mind, which is the part of ourselves we are aware of and use to interact with others on a personal level.The Subconscious is a suitable label given the context of Dolores’ work; however, religions and spiritual teachers alike have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness. The Subconscious had stated to Dolores that it does not care what we call it, it simply ‘Is’ and is willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent. For more information please visit Dolores Cannons official site. There are also many videos on youtube covering many subjects on her work.
Preparation Before SessionYOUR OWN UNIQUE EXPERIENCE ​ Your QHHT Session is your own personal experience. No one else is allowed in the session or can stay. Confidentiality and feeling safe is of the utmost importance in all matters which we discuss. If you choose to share these afterwards it is your choice. Please take time to write down a list of questions you wish to address in your session. In writing these down you have already started the process. Here is the link to some Preparation Questions LINK TO QUESTIONS AUDIO RECORDING. Your QHHT Session will be recorded. It is important to listen to the session as it is part of the healing. Each time you listen to your recording you will receive new insights from your higher self as it connects you back to the Divine energy that was present in your session. ON THE DAY Don't drink alcohol or any caffeinated drinks before your session. If you're a morning coffee drinker it's OK to have one but please keep it to a minimum. If you meditate, do so in the morning. Light exercise is also an excellent way to prepare. Maybe a relaxing walk in nature. We want your body relaxed but your mind quiet and alert. Please wear loose clothing so you feel comfortable. You will be lying under a blanket so we want good circulation and comfort with your body. ​ NO EXPECTATIONS Having expectations is a hinderance. Every session is unique to the individual. Trust and allow the process to happen ​ Please watch the video below. Suzanne Spooner gives some excellent tips for your preparation : ) ​
Example Preparation QuestionsAre you looking for Direction and Purpose in your life ? What Lessons do you need to learn ? Are there any Fears or Phobias that you need to release ? Are you having Relationship issues that you would like to heal ? Do you have any Emotional or Physical discomfort you would like to self heal ? Do you have unexplained Synchronicities in your life or Loss of time ? Do you want to create more Abundance in your life ? Maybe an Abundance of peace, love, contentment, beauty or wealth. Do you Wonder who you are at a deeper level and would like to remember your true Magnificence ?

Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.
- Dolores Cannon

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